Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Resolution List. Sort of...

Every year I set goals for myself. Not so much resolutions, but overall objectives for things that I want to work on. In 2013, for example, my mission was health. I succeeded in that by losing over 30 lbs, and now I'm helping dozens of others do the same thing.

In 2014, my mission was cash flow. Turns out that while that was basically what worked, I actually skipped a beat and ended up finding an amazing relationship instead. OK universe, your call. I'm rolling with it. But I still need to work on that cash flow, so that'll 2015's job now!

Of course, in all of these areas it's possible to do a little better. Just because I succeeded in my missions to lose some weight and have a great relationship and make a little extra cash doesn't mean I can be complacent about it! So to make sure things get done, here's my personal resolution list...although I like to think of it more as an action plan. This is where I want to be by the end of 2015, with some adjustment for things that may happen faster:

Cash Flow

This is my theme for the year, so it's going to come down to very specific work and business objectives that I'll be working my tail off to meet:

  • 5 corporate clients, 10 small business clients, and 2 nonprofit clients in my web services business.
  • 100 new YPRB members.
  • $500 per month in sales with my wellness retail business


I find health is always a challenge, because I LOVE to eat. To top it off, I've had acute tendinitis in my shoulder for some time, which serious impacts my ability to work out effectively. I'll find ways around that. But in the meantime:

  • Do one nutritional cleanse in each half of the year (in fact, I'll be running a detox challenge to help my YPRB members along too! me to find out more).
  • Get my waist down to that elusive 35 inches.
  • Make a concerted effort to change out the toxic ingredients, wheat, soy, and refined sugars from my regular diet. I'm not a fan of cutting things out permanently, as there are still plenty of traditional treats I'm fond of for holidays. But that's once a year holidays mind you, not all the time. This book is one of my guiding resources on the subject.
  • Eliminate toxins and allergens from my environment. I have allergies, so it's about time I made sure my house is as free from dust and particles as possible.


This one is easy, because I have the best relationship I could ever have imagined. But there's also the relationship with my daughter, which hopefully improving my health will give me more energy to pursue. And then there are my family relationships, which means I need to be in closer contact with everybody (don't we all get a little sidetracked from time to time?).

I'm also planning at least one week-long (or longer) road trip with my girls. There's talk of a tenting excursion in there too.


  • I'm starting a 40-day "spiritual" project that should prove interesting. This isn't a resolution, just a little something I'm trying on. Maybe I can add it to my coaching programs down the road.
  • I'd still like to run in the Tough Mudder, but not until this rotator cuff problem is solved. So it still might not be this year, but it is still the goal of my training.
  • I have GOT to get organised. Organisation is one of my weaker points I'll admit. This year, it's gotta get under control.
I like to start out each new year not so much by making excessive promises to myself and the universe, but by laying out a set of goals. I'm not inclined to set resolutions in the sense of making a statement, but I do find that focusing on areas of change that need a little adjustment I can set my sights on things that are within my control and take action. 

And if I don't hit the whole list, well it's a long list I'll admit. But that's no reason to hold back from starting, and since I've already made a head start on it I don't doubt things are going to be amazing in 2015.

What's on your list?


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